Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 Easy Ways to Submit More Successful Job Applications

3 Easy Ways to Submit More Successful Job Applications3 Easy Ways to Submit More Successful Job Applications4Little tweaks to your job application process can make a big difference when it comes to its effectiveness. Here are three easy ways to submit mora successful job applications.If youre job searching, you might feel compelled to rush through applications in order to apply to more jobs. Its a common mistake that causes people to waste valuable time and effort sending out applications that, quite simply, arent going to be considered. Why? Because hiring managers are also rushing, and they only spend about 15 to 30 seconds reading your cover letter and resume before making a decision about your job application. Job applicants with successful job applications are the ones who get noticed.Heres how to make every single application count, in order to submit more successful job applications.1. Slow down. Its counter-intuitive, but rather than pumping out as many applications as possib le, slow down. You might apply to fewer job postings, but your applications will stand out as being more focused and applicable (pun intended) to the job you want. Be sure to read and act on every instruction given by the company so that recruiters dont have an excuse to weed you out prematurely.2. Send out a resume and cover letter exclusively for THAT one job.We say it a lot, but thats because its important- dont send the same letter and resume to every job for which youre applying. Customized resumes and unique cover letters are better for the following reasonsThey help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems that look for keywords specific to the job posting.They show recruiters youre a serious candidate who actually wants THIS job, not just ANY job.They help you avoid the common mistake of addressing your letter to the wrong company or person.3. Ask someone else to read your cover letters and resumes. The person you ask to proofread your resumes and cover letters doesnt have to be a writing whiz or an expert recruiter. Simply having another tischset of eyes on your job application documents will help you find that one silly little mistake that might, sadly, doom your chances at an interview. If you dont want to ask a person, you can always ask our partner Grammarly to proofread for youWe know these tips are obvious, and we state them a lot, but thats because theyre true and because so few job seekers actually follow these instructions. If youre one of the few stellar job seekers who already takes advantage of these easy ways to submit more successful job applications, congratulations Its attention to details like these that will put you in front of the job search pack.Readers, what are your tried-and-true, easy-to-execute tips for successful job applications? Share them in the comments below

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Truth About Resume Writers

The Truth About Resume Writers The Truth About Resume Writers Barbara Safani has had enough of ill-informed and condescending critiques of the professional resume writing industrySo please, if you have been reading the advice of people who are bashing the resume writing industry, take a moment to reflect on how condescending their advice is. You are an intelligent consumer. If some aspect of a resume writing service doesnt sit well with you or you arent convinced that the person has a valuable service to offer, dont use them. Become an educated consumer, ask questions, and shop around. At the end of the day its about the strength of the relationship between you and the writer and the confidence you have in their abilities based on your knowledge of the service. The whole thing is well worth a read. Its just plain lazy to lump an entire industry into one big blob and then insult the entire blob. Like anything else, there are good and bad resume writers and as a consumer, youre perfect ly able to make a good choice. If youre currently working on doing that, heres my advice on choosing a professional resume writer.

Why job titles get in the way of growth in the workplace

Why job titles get in the way of growth in the workplace Why job titles get in the way of growth in the workplace We don’t know how attached we are to something until we let it go.As I finished delivering my keynote, the room wasn’t just filled with applause - the entire floor was covered with small pieces of paper.“The audience loved your talk, but the cleaning people will hate you,” one of the organizers told me laughing.I was invited to speak about the democratization of leadership in agile organizations. Our attachment to titles inhibits organizational growth - that’s why I encouraged people to let go of it both physically and metaphorically.I asked participants to write down their name and job title. All at the same tore their ‘business card’ saying at once: “I’m no longer (their job title), I’m just (their name).”I’ve facilitated this exercise several times before. However, watching close to 1,000 people letting go of their title-attachment simultaneously was a powerful and energizing experience. We usually don’t realize how much we suffer until we get rid of wh at was causing the pain.Innovation feeds off of diversity of thoughts. Titles hinder it by silencing outspokenness and individual perspectives - people keep their best ideas to themselves.You are not your titleThe ability to drive change is not directly correlated to a title - everyone in the organization has the responsibility and capacity to lead.Most people let a job title define their identity, self-esteem, status, and more. That’s why we get attached to that line underneath our name: we want our fair share of recognition. However, we are more than just a title - people’s contributions shouldn’t be limited to the position they hold.Job titles tend to create divisions rather than foster collaboration.Tearing one’s business card is a powerful icebreaker to level-set a team. It creates awareness of how titles get in our way - everyone acknowledges the elephant in the room.Letting go of one’s title - both mentally and physically - is a powerful way to release that em otional pressure. But, most importantly, it sends a clear message. We encourage the team to prioritize quality over egos - an idea matters more than who authored it.“Embrace your vulnerability, don’t hide behind your title.”I remember consulting a University in Europe - the CEO was frustrated with its toxic culture. “They are all backstabbers and passive-aggressive,” I remember her telling me during our first call, “They can’t see each other in the eye.”Not surprisingly, during the first team offsite, she was the only one who couldn’t tear her card. Even her direct reports had no problem of letting go of theirs - everyone was willing to become more vulnerable in front of each other, except her.I’m not judging this woman - she couldn’t take the challenge. It was easier for her to blame the team. Letting go of one’s title is not about making us all equal but about sharing accountability - the entire team owns the problem and is responsible for solving it.T he same happens on the opposite side of the spectrum - employees use the (lack of) title as an excuse not to step up when needed.It’s easier to hide behind a title than to be accountable.Five ways to overcome the title biasLetting go of one’s title doesn’t necessarily getting rid of formal titles but of the ‘nobility status.’ Some organizations have replaced job titles by fancier ones but fail to remove the ‘illusion of power’ - attachment to authority still gets in the way.Tearing a business card is powerful, but it’s just a metaphor. To overcome the title bias requires addressing established behaviors.1. Titles inhibit candor:Most people feel intimidated by their bosses - a Harvard Business Review survey reveals that most people trust a stranger than their manager.Psychological Safety is key to encourage people to speak up without the fear of being judged or punished. Building trust takes time and must be nurtured continually - keep an eye on how safe your team feels.Do your team members speak up or do they censor their best ideas? Be mindful of both your verbal and non-verbal cues - are you promoting or hindering open conversations? Saying the organization is safe but not paying full attention can be perceived as you are dismissive.2. Titles create an authority bias:The opinion of the boss promotes groupthink. Once their manager speaks up, most people change their ‘opinions.’If you are the most senior executive in the room, be the last one to speak up. To avoid the ‘authority bias,’ make sure everyone shares their opinion before you do. If you are anxious, capture your thoughts on a post-it. Listen and pay attention - don’t let your perspective become everyone’s way of thinking.3. Titles feed the illusion of powerMost organizations correlate titles to authority - being the boss equals being right. Most people have an issue with embracing their own vulnerability; they use a title to protect themselves.Global studies reveal that 79 percent of people quit their jobs for ‘lack of appreciation.’ When you don’t need to protect a perfect image of you as a leader, it’s easier to value the good within your team members. Reflect, is your self-image getting in your way?4. Titles protect comfort zonesThe (lack of) title is way out - it’s a common excuse for not taking on more responsibilities. And to expect someone else to do things for us.Titles protect us from stretching beyond our comfort zone. Senior managers use them to hide their vulnerability; those in the ‘lower-ranks’ don’t step up because they don’t have the ‘right’ title. What about you?5. Titles hide our blind spotsSenior executives see differently as I wrote here - they observe the whole picture and visualize a better future. However, that asset can also blind them - they assume everyone sees what they see.For example, 89% of bosses believe employees quit because they want more money, but only 12 percent of employees actuall y leave for that reason. Letting go of your title is also about not being blinded by your position. It’s acknowledging the gap between your perspective and your team’s.Make sure everyone’s on the same page rather than assuming they see what you see.- - - Share your thoughts. How do titles get in your way?Gustavo Razzetti is a change instigator that helps teams lead positive change. Author, Consultant, and Speaker on team development and cultural transformation.This article first appeared on Medium.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

5 Questions to Help You Reevaluate Your Career Plan

5 Questions to Help You Reevaluate Your Career Plan 5 Questions to Help You Reevaluate Your Career Plan Career planning is the difference between taking control of your journey  and letting it simply happen to you. Of course, no matter how much your prepare, things dont always go as planned. Careers are no different, which is why you should make sure to reevaluate your career plan from time to time. As you evolve, so will your goals. To get what you want out of your professional life, you may have to tweak and adjust your career plan regularly. Here are five questions you should ask when its time to reassess your career plan: 1. What Is Essential to Me as I Go Through My Career? As with any type of goal-setting, it is important your goal be specific. You may have an idea of what you want to achieve professionally, but you can be much more targeted in your efforts if you can articulate that idea clearly to yourself and others. Keep in mind that professional goals  need not be limited to achieving a certain salary or job title. Things such as work/life balance or finding  a purpose are equally  as important to consider, if not more so. 2. How Does My Current Path Ensure I Will Achieve My Goal? Once youve gotten specific about the goals you want to achieve, evaluate your current situation. Confirm that it supports your goals, or at least serves as a stepping stone to achieving them. Maybe youre learning essential skills, or perhaps youre getting the industry experience you need to move on. Whatever the case, be sure you dont get so comfortable with the status quo that you stop pushing yourself forward. 3. What Is the Next Step I Need to Take to Progress? Now that youve taken stock of your current situation, you can figure out what you need to do to move forward. Your next move may be positioning yourself for a promotion, making an industry transition, or something else. Whatever your next step is, be specific about what exactly you will do, and set a timeframe for doing it. 4.  Do I Need to Make Any Changes to Reach the Next Step? You know what your next move is - but is your current trajectory going to get you there? For example, its possible you will need to learn a new skill  or earn a new certification to achieve that promotion you want. Other things may need to change, too, depending on your goal. Does your office environment need shaking up? Is it time to eliminate that long commute? Dont avoid making the changes you need, even if they feel intimidating. Focus on one critical change at a time, and youll be amazed at how much closer you are to your goal by the end of the process. 5. Have I Made the Correct Adjustments to My Plan? Your career goals and needs  are not static; as you evolve as a person, they will evolve, too. The goals you had  when you first entered the job market  are likely to change several times as your career develops. This is why it is so important to ask yourself these questions periodically. However, the most important part of your career plan comes down to what you do with the answers. Its all in the follow-through. A version of this article originally appeared on the  Atrium Staffing blog. Michele Mavi is  Atrium Staffings resident career expert.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Book Production Process

The Book Production Process The Book Production Process The book production department is responsible for the design, layout, printing, and/or e-book coding of the finished book. Heres how it happens. Book Production  Step-By-Step   The book production process officially starts when the acquiring editor of the book submits a final, edited book manuscript to a copy editor. At that point, the manuscript is considered to be in production and the page layout and design process begins. Note that while the book is in production, the  book jacket is being designed  at about the same time. Step 1: Copyediting The copy editor reviews the final manuscript for grammar, spelling, and consistency. He or she corrects errors and questions anything that isnt clear in the text.The copyedited manuscript comes back to editor and author with queries from copy editor. The author and the editor answer the queries and consult to finalize the text.The manuscript now goes for design and layout. For books that dont have photography or illustration (sometimes called art programs), the author will likely not see the text again until the page proofs. Step 2: Book Page Design and Layout In art-, photo- or illustration-heavy books (such as cookbooks or coffee table books or do-it-yourself instruction books), the author is often looped in during the page design process. While the pages are being copyedited and reviewed, an overall design direction is determined for the book by the creative team and editor. At this point in the process, the author receives sample pages.Once a design is finalized by the team, an entire dummy book is created and all parties review the page layouts to fit copy, to gauge the appropriateness of art-to-text, and to make changes as necessary. There may be more than one dummy book stage to be reviewed.The author receives the text laid out in page proofs (or the text and art in a dummy book, see above). At the same time, the page proofs are being reviewed by the editor, a proofreader and various members of the production staff. Typos are corrected and minor changes made. There may be additional back-and-forth and fine-tuning in layout and design that doesnt involve the author. For some books, uncorrected page proofs, galleys or ARCs of the book may be printed and bound for advance book marketing and publicity purposes. Step 3: Book Printing, Binding, and Shipping During the printing and shipping - the final stages of production - theres usually a lull in activity for the author. Once the pages are final, an index is created, typeset, and proofread. (Note: the author generally pays for the indexing; this is outlined in the book contract and the money is deducted from the advance against royalties).The files are now reviewed for any issues and prepped for manufacturing. Copies of the final, clean files (including artwork) are simultaneously sent to the printer for printing and binding, and to a file converter (either in-house or freelance) who preps the files for the e-book version. Books come off the press and advance copies are rushed to the publisher. Samples are distributed to the author, the editor and the agent, but the bulk is generally used for publicity mailings to media and for the sales departments to give to accounts.The books are packed and shipped to the publishers warehouse. The length of time for printing and shipping varies dramaticallyfrom 3 weeks turnaround for an all-text computer book printed in the U.S. to months for printing overseas (which is the norm for most full-color books) and being shipped back via boat, going through customs, and trucked to the publishers warehouse. Finished books ship from warehouse to retail destinations, such as individual independent bookstores or national account distribution centers (such as for Barnes Noble or Amazon.com) where they are inventoried, unpacked, re-shipped (in the case of distribution centers) and shelved for consumer purchase in time for the on-sale date.In a parallel timeframe to printing and shipping, properly coded e-book files are made available to the online retailers via data feeds from the publisher. The bookseller offers them for purchase and download by consumers through their websites.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Submersible Robot Harpoons Reef-Damaging Lionfish

Submersible Robot Harpoons Reef-Damaging Lionfish Submersible Robot Harpoons Reef-Damaging Lionfish Submersible Robot Harpoons Reef-Damaging Lionfish Lionfish, a voracious species native to the South Pacific and Indian oceans, are damaging marine ecosystems in the Caribbean and western Atlantic oceans by diminishing the native fish populations that are crucial for commercial and recreational fishing. Unfortunately, the number of lionfish continue to rapidly expanding. A female can lay up to 30,000 eggs every three days. A mature lionfish can consume other fish 80 percent its own body size, and a single lionfish can drastically decrease the number of native fish on a section of reef in a matter of weeks. That devastation puts stress on coral reefs already impacted by climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Listen To ASME TechCast: Engineer Roma Agrawal Talks Up Need for Building a Diversified Workforce Methods to control the lionfish population include robots that suck them into a tube or stun them with electricity. But those often require tethers to communicate with the surface or maintain position, which are not allowed near most reefs. Eager to find a better solution, engineering students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) have built a prototype for an autonomous underwater robot that reduces the population of lionfish by spearing them and letting them float to the surface where they are collected and consumed as a local delicacy. The WPI robot is untethered and can hunt for fish on its own, without human direction. The goal is to be able to toss the robot over the side of a boat and have it go down to the reef, plot out a course, and begin its search, says Craig Putnam, an advisor for the student team and senior instructor in computer science and associate director of WPIs Robotics Engineering Program.It needs to set up a search pattern and fly along the reef, and not run into it, while looking for the lionfish. The idea is that this type of robot could be part of the environmental solution. Student William Godsey (l) and Bradley Miller, associate director of WPIs Robotics Resource Center, examine the lionfish harvesting robot built by Godsey and his project team. Image: WPI The most important requirement for the WPI robot is the ability to accurately identify lionfish from other fish within the reef ecosystem. The team used machine learning, advanced computer vision libraries, neural network software, and computer vision models to develop the robots computer vision system. The system was exposed to thousands of images of lionfish of different colors, taken from different angles and in different lighting conditions, to train it to recognize a lionfish with greater than 95 percent accuracy. Equally important, the robot was exposed to many pictures of human divers in order to train it in what to absolutely avoid shooting. The team found a product from Intel called a Movidius Neural Compute Stick (MNCS) that acts as a hardware accelerator for this kind of application, Putnam says.The software was modified to run on the MNCS and execution times were greatly improved.Classification could then be done in about 100mswhich is fast enough to be useful for generating steering commands to a remote operating vehicle platform. Another critical part of the robot is a revolving carousel called a Geneva mechanism, which holds eight detachable, buoyant spear tips. When targeting a lionfish, a metal shaft thrusts the spear into the fish. As the shaft retracts, the spear tip detaches and its buoyancy pulls the lionfish to the surface for collection. After each neutrally buoyant spear tip is dispensed, the Geneva mechanism rotates until the pin of the rotating drive wheel is caught by a driven wheel, says student team member Katharine Conroy. This driven wheel is subsequently placed in the correct position to eject another spear tip. It can be thought of like a revolver dispensing spear tips instead of ammunition. As more spear tips are used, the robot progressively loses buoyancy. To compensate for this loss, the researchers built a watertight, air-filled chamber that enlarges slightly after each spearing, to displace more water and equalize the robots buoyancy. If this is not done, then the thrusters have to work harder to maintain the robot at the proper depth, Putnam says.This would drain the batteries faster, leading to a reduction in the amount of time the robot could operate before needing to return to the surface for recharging. Finally, the young engineers were challenged to develop a water-tight chamber to protect the robots motherboard and electronics. In many ways, this was the hardest part of the project, says William Godsey, a student who worked on the systems buoyancy and electronics chambers. Just because something is waterproof doesnt mean it will work in salt water, which is an incredibly corrosive environment. The team mounted eight orange speartips on the blue carousel. Two small boxes just behind the carousel contain cameras. Image: WPI The WPI robot is being designed to attach to a commercially available, autonomous submersible robot. Students in this academic year will conduct more advanced work on the robots GP s, which will enable it to autonomously establish and navigate a three-dimensional search grid as it seeks lionfish; the team will also refine the water-tight chamber. Other possibilities include an RF signal for each spear tip to identify its location at the surface, as well as robot-to-robot communication to keep multiple robots from chasing the same fish. We hope this research leads to advancements in the autonomous capabilities of lionfish harvesters, says team member Eric Peterson. One of the biggest issues that currently exists is the implementation of an untethered solution. Tethered solutions are unable to be deployed along the reefs in the Caribbean because the concerns arise that the tether could potentially damage the reefs. We hope that over the next few years our research makes the development of an autonomous, untethered solution possible. Mark Crawford is an independent writer. Listen to episode 2 of ASME TechCast: How Engineers Close the Communication Gap Read More: Sensors Allow Robots to Feel Sensation Weed-Fighting Robots Could Replace Spraying These Robots Kill Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Background Checks and Investigations

Background Checks and Investigations Background Checks and Investigations No matter what career you choose to pursue in criminology, theres no escaping the criminal justice  background check. The sensitive nature of the jobs, combined with the high level of trust and authority that the public gives to criminology professionals, requires that candidates be of the highest moral character. Of course the system isnt perfect, but by and large background checks ensure that potential employees do not have any events in their pasts that should keep them from working in the field.   For many, the background check can be a nerve-wracking process, if only because of the uncertainty of what to expect. By learning more about the process, you can calm your nerves and make a better determination of where you might stand in the hiring process. Criminal History Checks forBackgroundInvestigations The first step in any background investigation is a criminal history check. Most states have laws against hiring criminal justice professionals who have been arrested or convicted of felonies and some misdemeanor crimes. A criminal history check reveals everything about a persons criminal past. It includes not only convictions and sentencing, but all prior arrests. Many states also have laws regarding the handling of expunged records. Often, those applying for criminal justice jobs are required to provide all records, even those that have been sealed or expunged. Some agencies and employers may take the criminal history check a step further and ask you to provide information about your immediate family. A family members past generally wont prevent you from being considered for employment, but you can expect to be questioned about it if one exists. The reason for this is to make sure that you wont have any conflicts of interest if any family members are engaged in criminal activity. In addition to the criminal history check, criminal justice applicants will be run through existing criminal and terrorist watch databases. Applicants child support histories will also be examined, and if they are found to be delinquent they will usually be disqualified from the hiring process. Credit Checksfor Criminal Justice BackgroundInvestigations A credit check is often the next component of the background check. Many applicants worry about how their credit will affect their ability to get a job in criminology. Typically, agencies arent concerned with an individuals credit score. Instead, they look at the overall amount of debt and whether or not the applicant has been paying his bills. So long as you are currently meeting your obligations and youre not in debt to the extent that you wont be able to pay your bills on your new salary, your credit history wont harm you in the background investigation. Employment HistoryforBackgroundInvestigations Any thorough background check will include your employment history. This is usually the last step in the check  because investigators understand that you may not want your current employer to know you are looking for a new job. The employment history component will involve contacting previous employers and asking basic questions about what kind of employee you were, whether you were excessively late or absent and why you left or resigned. Neighborhood ChecksforBackgroundInvestigations Sometimes, agencies will conduct a neighborhood check and home visit. In these instances, background investigators will speak with current and past neighbors in order to find out what kind of neighbor you were and whether you were involved in anything that they might consider to be suspicious activity. As with the credit check, the neighborhood check alone wont usually exclude you from employment, but will simply point to more questions your investigator may need to ask you in order to get a better picture of your overall background. Getting Past the Process of a Criminal JusticeBackgroundCheck The background investigation is a necessary part of any application process for  a criminology career. The best way to get through the process is to be open, honest and upfront with your background investigator. If youre considering a career in criminal justice or criminology, do your best to stay out of trouble and be an exemplary neighbor and employee. Taking these steps will help you make it through the process and set you up for ??a rewarding career.?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Learn the Definition and Purpose of a Stipend

Learn the Definition and Purpose of a Stipend Learn the Definition and Purpose of a Stipend What is the definition of a stipend? If youre an intern who will receive one, its important to know both what this term means and its purpose. A  stipend is a fixed sum of money paid periodically to cover expenses you might incur while working as an intern, for example, and dont have eligibility to accept a regular salary for your work. In some cases, stipends can offer other benefits besides money, such as room and board. Why Companies Offer Stipends Stipends aren’t performance-based or hours based. Rather, many companies that  cant afford to pay their interns  on an hourly basis offer stipends to help students cover expenses that typically occur during the course of an internship. This includes costs related to travel, housing, food, and entertainment. If employers plan to offer interns a stipend instead of an hourly wage, they should include that information on the advertisement for the internship and reiterate it during the interview. Many students cant afford to work for a stipend alone and require paying internships to make ends meet. If you can afford to receive a stipend instead of an hourly wage, ask the employer if you can  sign a work agreement acknowledging the stipend and when it will be paid. The majority of employers pay out stipends on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Some employers wait until the last day of the internship to distribute stipends. Youll need to know how this process will work, so you can plan when to pay your expenses.  If there are any reasons the stipend would not be paid, you should know what they are before starting the internship. Types of Stipends Stipends may be offered to encourage certain activities. For example, academic institutions may offer stipends that work like grants, to incentivize researchers to further their work on certain projects. This could include books, articles, translating works, and interpreting and analyzing collected data. Some schools offer stipends to help with specific expenses, such as a computer. These stipends may not be used to cover any other expenses. Some employers offer employees a stipend in addition to their regular pay, to cover some or all of the costs of health insurance, a gym membership or education for career or job development. Expenses Students Incur During Internships In the year 2000, a student commonly received a $100 weekly stipend for an eight- to 12-week internship. Since that time, stipends have grown. They cover  the cost of gas, bus tickets, train  tickets, Ubers or taxis to get to and from the internship. The cost of travel could range from zero dollars per day (if the student is walking to work) to $30 per day or almost $1800 over the course of an internship. The cost of housing for an internship also varies. Students might be paying close to $400 per week to live in college dorms in major cities. But if an intern lives in the city or with a family member over the summer, the cost of living could be nothing. Out-of-area students may need as much as $5,000 for living expenses over the summer. Food costs really depend on the students circumstances and where they are living. They might pay  extra to be on the college dorms housing meal plan. They might have access to a kitchen (if staying with a relative or a friend) and be able to purchase groceries, or they might need to eat almost every meal out. If the employer is able to cover the cost of food (while at the internship), that’s certainly a respected and common gesture. If interns are budgeting wisely and spending $10 per day on food, that’s  nearly $1,000 in food costs over the course of a 12-week period. Based on these estimates, students will  spend a minimum of almost $1,000 to cover their food over the course of an internship. If they also have food and travel costs to incur, they could be spending upwards of $7,000 for their internship. Keep in mind these figures dont  account for the several students who pay extra to be enrolled in school over the summer, so they can get credit for their internships. Those costs vary from school to school. These figures also exclude  entertainment costs, which typically vary. Employers are not expected to cover the fees associated with an interns social life.   What Companies Are Paying Internship stipends are usually given out in increments of $250. Several companies offer $250, $500 or even $1,000 monthly. Generally, the best thing an  employer can do is try to  understand the expenses students face and come up with a stipend that will amply cover them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Vitalik Buterins Resume The Etherman

Vitalik Buterins Resume The Etherman Vitalik Buterins Resume The Etherman The start of 2019 is proving to be a gloomy time for us blockchain cypto enthusiasts. The market is going down FUD is everywhere. But worry no more as Etherman, our very own Vitalik Buterin is here to save us. So together, let us shine in the glory of the one and only Etherman and keep HODLing on! From founding Ethereum to saving the world from a rogue asteroid, look at what Etherman - Vitalik Buterin has done. Check out his resume. You will be amazed! :wink: Resume of Vitalik 'Etherman' Buterin

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Crafting an Effective Resume

Crafting an Effective Resume Crafting an Effective Resume What a resume is NOT is a personal history lesson or a medium for self-expression. While a resume is heavily focused on the work history and experience of an applicant, a resume is written to create interest and ultimately lead to an interview; not inform in the way of a history lesson. Presenting an organized, focused, informative (and brief!) resume is the first and best meaningful way of making a positive first impression. Research has shown that the average resume receives a mere 10 to 20 seconds of read time. This is a strong indication that interviews are most frequently given to those candidates whose resumes express the most impressive qualifications in the fewest words, and presented in the most plain and logical way. With this in mind, it is important to understand that, like any other good, people most often choose the best advertised product than the “best” product. Focusing on what an employer wants to see can elicit a better response, even if the applicant lacks the best credentials. Having the correct mindset when constructing a resume helps ensure it isn’t simply dismissed out of hand. One of the most important things to remember when beginning the document is to focus on what the employer needs. The applicant’s needs are secondary considerations to the hiring manger trying to choose the best candidate for his or her organization. This being the case, it is important to first understand precisely what an employer is looking for before describing what an applicant has to offer. Qualifications and abilities addressing these needs should be prioritized with the most relevant appearing first in the resume. Sectionalizing a resume is an easy way to add organization, accessibility, and a logical flow to the document. The first section is the area to assert abilities, qualifications, and usually contains at least two or three subsections which work in tandem to create the picture of the perfect candidate for a specific position. The first subsection works well as an Objective section, which names the intended job and the clear goals of the applicant and how those goals directly address the needs of the employer. Once an objective is clarified, the Summary subsection follows to focus attention on all of the specific benefits an applicant offers the employer through education and abilities. The summary is an opportunity to convey the professional characteristics and achievements that make a job candidate the most qualified for the position. Typically, the components of a Summary section include a descriptive phrase describing the applicant’s profession, a statement of expertise, a few statements addressing depth of skills, accomplishments, awards, and promotions, and a short list of relevant professional characteristics. The final subsection of the assertions portion of the resume is for a more detailed look at skills and accomplishments. An effective way to structure this section is to select a few major skills and accomplishments, use these as headings and use bulleted lists under each heading to describe the accomplishments in more detail. This conclusion to the assertions section leads directly to the Evidence portion of the document. The Evidence section is the area to directly list facts such as job experience, education, awards, affiliations, publications, and references. This information works to verify the assertions in the previous section of the resume. Subsections of the Evidence section are simply the names of the facts being presented. In the experience portion, list jobs in reverse chronological order, focusing on the most relevant (and recent) held positions. Include the dates related to each position and include other relevant work such as internships and volunteer work, if desired. Education should also be listed in reverse chronological order with degrees listed separately for easy identification. Focus on college major and distinctions, and list any advanced training. Only information directly applicable to the desired position, and may impress the reader, should be included. The Awards, Affiliations, Publications, and Reference subsection are all self-explanatory and should remain relevant to the position. It is common practice to avoid listing names of references and including only the statement, “references available upon request,” and provide a detailed list only at the time of the interview.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The best jobs for introverts, extroverts (and everyone in between)

The best jobs for introverts, extroverts (and everyone in between) The best jobs for introverts, extroverts (and everyone in between) Have you ever listened to a friend describe their average day and felt yourself break out into hives? Maybe it’s listening to the exploits of your public-speaker bestie that makes your introverted soul shrivel up and die a little.Perhaps it’s your game-designing girlfriend who stares at screens for weeks on end without encountering another person until her work is complete that causes you to hyperventilate.If you’re wondering if your job suits your deepest personality traits, Amanda Augustine, career advice expert for TopResume offers tips for every personality type:IntrovertsIf you find yourself on the introvert end of the personality spectrum, Augustine said that “you’re more likely to thrive in calm, uncrowded environments, where there are more occasions for one-on-one interactions, rather than large and loud group discussions or debates. Positions that offer autonomy and introspection and rely less on collaboration are especially attractive.”Augustine said, “As a re sult, introverts often gravitate toward professions that require the professional to work directly with only a small handful of people, where the communication is structured and limited, and there’s a lot of independence.”Great gigs for introverts: Several professions that value the traits mentioned above include writer or editor (blogging, technical writing, translation); researcher; data entry; archivist or librarian; programmer; and accountant, bookkeeper, or actuary. Augustine also said that remote positions that require limited interaction over the phone are also appealing.Extroverts“Extroverts are often characterized as social butterflies, and with good reason” according to Augustine. “Whereas introverts are drained after excessive interaction with others, extroverts are energized by these conversations. If you fall into this category, there are many professions that value your “go-getter” attitude and ability to strike up a conversation with friends and stranger s alike.”Great gigs for extroverts: Several roles that fit those who are socially adept, according to Augustine include public relations; sales; advertising; journalism; radio announcer or TV broadcaster; teacher; litigator/lawyer, event planning, and recruiting. “All of these jobs capitalize on your gift of gab and will ensure your natural talents are leveraged.”The truth about job fitNo matter how qualified you are, some jobs won’t be a good match for your personality. Augustine said “It doesn’t make you a failure; it’s just the wrong job for you. You can’t force an introvert to suddenly enjoy spending countless hours talking to people any more than you can expect an extrovert to enjoy quietly crunching numbers in a back office alone all day.”Augustine also said that “We spend the majority of our adult life at work; shouldn’t that time leverage our strengths rather than putting us at odds with ourselves every day?” If you’d like to work at a job where your personality shines, you might want to look in your professional rearview mirror first.“When you’re looking for a new job, take a step back and consider the positions you’ve held in the past. In which opportunities did you thrive, and in which did you fail?” Augustine said.In the positions where you did well and were happy, consider what each role entailed, what the work environment was like, and what you enjoyed most about the job. If you’re feeling very industrious, you might want to list the best and worst parts of your past jobs and pay attention to whether the pain points directly contradicted your natural inclinations.“Look for themes among the jobs you enjoyed most to identify the type of position and work environment that leverages your strengths and best suits your personality,” said Augustine. And don’t worry if not everything about a new position clicks “Every job will have a few elements you don’t love, but yo u shouldn’t force yourself into a position - or stay in one - that drains your energy.”Introverts in an extrovert’s worldMeanwhile, The Introverts Complete Career Guide by Jane Finkle  celebrates the best of being introverted while offering tips to thrive in any atmosphere.According to Finkle, “Introversion is not a negative quality. We must all learn to embrace our introverted qualities, but also figure out how to sprinkle in some extrovert skills to move beyond our comfort zone and succeed in today’s workplace.”Why does this matter for any personality type? In promotional materials, Finkle wrote: “The challenge is that introverts struggle most with self-promotion, taking the risk of revealing oneself, speaking up in meetings and networking events, being forceful in meetings and therefore an introvert’s valuable qualities often get overlooked in the extrovert’s world.”

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Office Administrator Resume Secrets

Office Administrator Resume Secrets Top Choices of Office Administrator Resume Standard administration resumesAshould be in a position to concentrate on your technical abilities and other skill sets that may help you strengthen the support system that the business requirements. Communication skills ought to be considered. Applicant Tracking Systems will try to find the proper ones. Gain the skills you have to succeed in your organization. Office Administrator Resume Explained Following that, it must impress the hiring manager with information that is related to them. The resume of a health office manager professional should reflect the abilities and experience needed for the position. Below you will discover the most frequent skills necessary to fulfill an office manager position. Administrative skills are wanted for a number of jobs, which range from office assistants to secretaries to office managers. The New Angle On Office Administrator Resume Just Released If it isn' t included in the work ad, check the corporation's website. Show your passion by mentioning whatever you like about the provider. Ensure it is clear you meet job requirements, but in addition include points about just what the provider is searching for. While you might not have a customer service job title, you ought to have the mindset of a person who does. Administrators have to be able to hear an assortment of issues and solve them using critical thinking. Possessing the technical skills that are needed for administrative works will enable you to multi-task when necessary and focus when required. Quick Training An MOAs education path is quite short permitting you to begin your fantasy job in below a year! If this Office Administrator resume example was not sufficient for you, you're totally free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. Study our healthcare office administrative assistant resume sample for a superior example. Whenever your office ad ministrator job description is finished, the responsibilities section ought to be the lengthiest section. The summary section is most certainly the very best approach to describe yourself to other LinkedIn members. Position involves sitting for lengthy periods of time when working at a computer terminal. Do not sugarcoat simply to impress interviewers as you might not know, they can without a doubt identify whether the candidate is lying or not. The more skills a candidate has, the less they will have to be trained and the faster they will have the ability to donate to the corporation. Vital Pieces of Office Administrator Resume No matter your degree of work practical experience, your resume structure is vital to making your program stick out. Our mission at dmas is to extend a system of premium quality and affordable healthcare services to. Office Administrator Resume Help! Administrators in little companies often take care of a whole lot of responsibility. Administrat ion workers should have special talents in research and data analysis to be able to compile reports and harvest research material for different workers inside their department. So as to develop into an office administrator, lots of people complete a post-secondary training regime. Find out how to use various office administration computer software programs. The Battle Over Office Administrator Resume and How to Win It Simple to adapt sample manufacturing manager resume. The office administrator resume examples below are an outstanding place to begin in making your own resume. More so, it's also going to enable you to prepare, record, and keep the documents they need safe. Office Administrators may cause particular projects, making sure they're completed in time and within budget. What Everybody Dislikes About Office Administrator Resume and Why Cover letters in, there are lots of samples of cover letters for many occasions. Office manager cover letter sample if you intend on submitting an application for an office manager position that's now available, here's a sample office manager cover letter you'll be able to modify for your requirements. 267 cover letter templates you may download and print at no cost. To give you a hand further, aside from resume, a job-seeker would want to look at applying by means of cover letters too. What You Need to Know About Office Administrator Resume So as to attract Office Administrator that best matches your requirements, it's essential to compose a very clear and precise Office Administrator job description. An Office Administrator Resume should showcase an assortment of qualities required to properly handle standard office duties. An outstanding Office Administrator resume, like this example, will incorporate a range of important skills your employer is searching for in a candidate. A well-organized Office Administrator resume can help you secure one of the absolute most in-demand positions in an organizati on. Hiring managers will be elated to learn you don't require extra training. General office procedures are essential for administrative staff, but a lot of positions will require administration personnel to be acquainted with bookkeeping. Organization Administrative jobs of all types need strong organizational skills. Looking to get the place of an Office Administrator to apply expansive understanding of supervising tasks to fulfill the day-to-day goals of the workplace. The Good, the Bad and Office Administrator Resume Administrative staff could possibly be called upon to do a little bit of light to moderate lifting, so should not find this as a chance to prevent laborious tasks. Whether there are office resources or administrative problems, you're going to be the individual expected to manage them. As an administrator, you will be liable for maintaining operations integrity and balance at work. Create a potent administration office support resume by following these basic tips. Office administration staff will also will need to reveal their ability to control business correspondence. There are also various forms of office administrators based on the sort of office. Administrative assistants play a critical function in facilitating activities in business, legal medical and several different varieties of offices. There might be additional support staff in the branch if it's a high-volume office. Office Administrator Resume Features Your CV is the thing that communicates to employers and recruiters if you satisfy the demands of a specific job. More so, targeted resumes might also be used if you would like to be thought about for a particular entry-level administration position. Mailed or faxed resumes won't be accepted.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Simple Trick for Engineering Internship Resume Explained

A Simple Trick for Engineering Internship Resume Explained The Little-Known Secrets to Engineering Internship Resume Show you're interested in receiving the occupation (should you do!) Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. In the long run, keep in mind that a resume is supposed to be a succinct appearance of your background. Engineering Internship Resume - Is it a Scam? You will find two means by which you can create resumes. If you really want to have that job, then you must send all them a targeted job application. Instead, say just what you are browsing for in the latest job. If you're thinking about a specialist job that you will require to generate a resume. Now you have a function interview planned. No matter your degree of job practical understanding, your resume format is critical to making your program stick out. The interviewer would like to observe how you approach an issue and understand the thought process supporting the implementation decisions that you create. Engineering Internship Resume for Dummies Most employers aren't expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is normally the very first experience students have in their area. As stated previously, your certifications should forever in your education section following your degrees. Include graduation dates only as long as you recently graduated in the past five decades, or when you want to explain a career gap. Engineering internships may also get you relevant work experience, enabling you to become workforce ready before going into the work market for a graduate. The Argument About Engineering Internship Resume The subject of mechanical engineering is an extremely respectable one. In addition, you can find out more about engineering careers on Monster. When you have procured an undertaking, don't hesitate to change it. It's also beneficial for students since they will secure some actual engineeri ng knowledge. Resume Contractor The resume building process is extremely effortless. Resume Constructor The resume building process is quite straightforward. Your engineering Resume Templates is a powerful advertising tool, so make the the majority of it. To get this kind of engineering resume, you could take advantage of the amazing resume templates found here which have been designed particularly for the objective. The Engineering Internship Resume Trap At the base of the sample, you will locate some advice for your chemical engineering job interview, alongside the most frequent questions asked by your employer. The wonderful thing about applying for internships is that the employer does not absolutely expect you to have any prior experience. Add policy to continue to keep you afloat in the event that you ought to be hurt at work. You're requesting a specific job. At a foodstuff canteen, for instance, the manager makes sure the canteen is transported with enough groce ry items for arranging a choice of food items. An acting resume design may be your key to obtaining the role of a lifetime. For the article of the medical facility housekeeper, then it's imperative that you include all of the experience you've got in related fields. In the event that you complete an application for a work now at an immediate hire staffing support, among the precise first issues they'll require you is in the event that you've got computer talents. The Engineering Internship Resume Game Several formats and designs to select from, Resume Now-Resume builder is the best place to bring in job winning resumes. Resume Constructor The resume builder is extremely simple to use. Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on the best way to compose your resume summary. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Engineering Internship Resume Although engineering job profile encompasses a wide variety of specialties, efficient resume strategies are required for particular dis ciplines. For instance, freshers pursuing the course can search for internships in several businesses and firms. In that situation, it's better to tailor your resume for a mechanical engineering job to coincide with the language of the work offer. The position you apply for will probably have several candidates. Resume target samples are readily available. The next phase you'll need to try create resumes is determining what type of resume you're likely to want. Each work type needs different sort of resumes. It's possible for you to look at generic resumes, but engineering resume samples will be absolutely the most useful due to their specificity to your area.

Friday, November 8, 2019

What Everybody Dislikes About How to Write Bachelors Degree on Resume and Why

What Everybody Dislikes About How to Write Bachelor's Degree on Resume and Why How to Write Bachelor's Degree on Resume Help! Information is an amazingly valuable resource in the marketplace. Lots of the knowledge-economy jobs offered in america can be effectively learned through apprenticeship. The individual's license might also be suspended for 6 months. The good thing is there are a growing number of Chief of Staff roles. How to Write Bachelor's Degree on Resume Ideas To start with, the MPH is intended to be a terminal level, meaning it doesn't usually lead to additional study. The fastest degree is an internet degree you can take through a selection of high-quality institutions. Whether you decide to pursue an Associate's degree or a Bachelor's degree in your area, you will need to get well prepared to advertise yourself after you graduate. A Master's Degree is regarded as the market standard, though. You will find lots of universities which are offering Data Science Degree Canada. First off, we'll let you know exactly what it is. Diploma courses do not provide decent remuneration. Candidates might have to take up a web-based aptitude test for admission. Degree programs give more in-depth wisdom and impending beginning to your career. Diploma programs offer education within your specified field. After a degree class, you can go for higher education to better your abilities or search for employment in your area. There are a lot of factors that give rise to the gaps in attainment of a university degree. Your degree is merely a single step out of the numerous you'll take in your life. Otherwise, it's possible that you're pursuing a degree in something that needs a greater standard of education to be hired. Based on your job you may not ever need to compose your own algorithms (and instead utilize different people's packages) but learning their inner workings makes it simple to know how to apply them. Besides the forementioned details, it's important to realise that it's good to create the look and feel of your resume attractive, it shouldn't be overdone in order to defeat its objective. Many of the significant scientists of previous centuries had no scientific level, in large part since they were the trail blazers. Yes, there are lots of articles out there which talk about what a person who has a history degree can do, but it doesn't mean that they don't have to take additional measures to be competitive, like the additional training needed to work in archives. The degree of degree needed to fulfill the demands of a particular job will be different based on the job and even the state you live in. You wish to place your experience that matches closest to the position you're applying for. Obtaining and growing additional skills is also valuable to show on resumes, no matter the specific discipline you wind up choosing. From that point, you can type in the job you're applying for, and it'll return commonly used phrases to use, along with resume examples. Introducing How to Write Bachelor's Degree on Resume For that reason, it ought to be kept in mind that being conscientious can be damaging to some jobs. As it's too damn easy to stop learning something whenever there aren't any stakes involved. In reality, the better method of working at it is to begin trying to find a very good translation agency, the minute you plan about studying in a foreign college. At the exact same time, you don't need to financially support your son's or daugh ter's decision not to attend college if it is not something which settles well with you. The standard university program may be the most time consuming means to make a level, but could also be among the most enriching. For lots of people, college is the sole thing that keeps them out of service industry jobs which don't provide much room for advancement. Whereas, in a community college, you will discover students that are spending time just hoping to discover what field they wish to go into. In addition, there might just be an about a week off between quarters rather than the month students receive between semesters and the lengthy summer vacation.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Biggest Myth About Resume Cover Page Example Exposed

The Biggest Myth About Resume Cover Page Example Exposed For example somebody who would like to land a job as a photographer on board can use websites including Flickr to demonstrate their portfolio. Every art exhibition ought to have a theme related to the sort of paintings or other types of art displayed at the venue. Another style of keeping the art exhibition easy and focused is by employing selective artwork based on a specific style or genre. If you wish to go different with your FB profile, there's a wide variety of Facebook cover template samples to help you here. Thoughts revolving around what you would like to achieve in your career will lead to the response to the most essential question. You can rely on binder cover templates here and they are available in a broad range of designs which range from girly to romantic to nautical to abstract. A Secret Weapon for Resume Cover Page Example Professionals in the middle of a work search often report feeling a feeling of helplessness. Careers in the medical industry call for a broad range of expertise and education. Whether you wish to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, we've got a sample that is applicable to your career path. Take a look at the samples to observe the way the candidates discuss their accomplishments. Besides the forementioned details, it's important to realise that it's good to produce the look and feel of your resume attractive, it shouldn't be overdone in order to defeat its objective. Regardless of what engineering track you're on, your cover letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to fulfill quality standards. Writing a cover letter for work in the education and teaching field is about the specifics. An exhaustive employee background check can lower the danger of theft and violence at work together with protect your organization, your employees and customers. So, you've got to personalize your cover letter based on the job, you're applying for. Lastly, finish up the cover resume letter by stating that you'll be following up by phone to go over any potential job openings. Explain that you're applying for work and want to tackle your cover letter to the suitable individual. While cutting and pasting a generic template appears to be the simplest way out of it, investing a good deal of time on your cover letter is an excellent approach to ensure you receive a reasonable chance in being hired for the job you're applying for. Searching for a job may be challenging road, especially if the business you'd love to work for isn't advertising any open positions. You are going to need the Resume Cover Page Templates while you're on the watch for a job to create an excellent career. After that, spend some time reviewing the work advertisement. What You Don't Know About Resume Cover Page Example It can be beneficial to print a duplicate of your cover letter and edit it using a pen in hand. Imagine how powerful you can create your cover letter by incorporating just a couple. An individual should always add an enticing cover letter whilst sending work application. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. You are able to add an additional middle paragraph if absolutely essential. While it's a long and tedious process for a seemingly brief letter, it's important to allot the crucial time and investigating to be sure your cover letter keeps the possible employer reading. So, it's important to send a cover letter to the ideal person. If you don't understand what a cover letter appears like and what text ought to be in there, you can benefit from readymade cover letter templates. You may feel like the document is unnecessary since you're already providing a resume with tons of information. If you're planning to create a DVD cover, you can seek the help of DVD cover template options since they come up with a prestructured DVD cover which it is easy to customize in accordance with your DVD data. Plug in your info and you're prepared to send off your application. Be certain to tailor any samples you use to coordinate with your own background and the job for which you're applying. Infographic resumes seem nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Also pitch proposals to local and internet small business contacts and publishers in your specialty. Just examine the sample engineering internship cover letter free of experience below.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Key to Successful Best Resume Templates 2017

The Key to Successful Best Resume Templates 2017 The ideal thing is to be conscious of all of the little information. Lets hope you might think that it's terrific. If you're thinking about how to create a resume, you're in the correct place! If you're going to look for the best resume templates 2017, you must first be in a position to know the type of goals you would want to attain. The Ultimate Best Resume Templates 2017 Trick A resume builder can help you rectify any errors and supply you with a working vision of the resume although you edit. Be very cautious when employing all kinds of image, unless you're an expert designer. In many areas of the planet, a CV photo isn't only recommended but required. Have a peek at these examples to choose which format is ideal for you. Knowing the most current and resume templates 2017 can help you to start. Resume they exist to make your life easier. For a sample of template that you are able to use, here's a guide. A timeless sty le resume template is also simple to customize. Try to remember, as soon as you've finished personalizing your resume, you're not prepared to fill out an application yet. If you wish to receive a job in 2017 in business, then be sure you are in possession of a good resume template. When you're asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you want a resume template you may inject a little more personality into to make it pop'. Also be certain to tailor the document to the job you're applying for. Submit the same resume for each and every job. Then again, let's say exactly the same job requires you to be creative and bold. To begin with, you also have to update your resume whenever you submit an application for a particular job. Simply because you've got zero experience or it's your very first job. After you add your private stamp' to it through imputing your special abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the proper factors. You also receive a feeling of what information you don't need to include. When you've reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. However much or what type of work experience you've got, there's a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. In a nutshell, you should have a photo if you intend to host your CV online, are working to constr uct your individual brand and boost your on-line visibility, or in case you're in an industry that accepts photos. Instead, use industry keywords subtly throughout your resume to make sure you're drawing the eye of search engines and so on. You are able to add some content if you desire. The other templates are readily available to Pro subscribers. Whatever They Told You About Best Resume Templates 2017 Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Its high-quality PSD file is completely customizable. There are resume templates business on the internet that you can check out. The majority of the templates are offered by named, resume writing specialists and thus the quality is quite excellent. Show employers that you're current and create an excellent first impression by selecting the most suitable template. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be quite tricky to choose the best one that is most suited to you. The good thing is that there are many resume templates readily available online which you don't need to be resigned to using the Microsoft Word templates that everybody else has. Since you may see, there's a broad range of freebies to pick from. If you don't know what things to have in your paper, you will need to earn some effort to find out more about the internet or look through best resume template 2017. Key takeaway in the event you decide to use a template, you could help save yourself lots of time and energy. When deciding on the best template for yourself, follow yet another tip, please. How to Choose Best Resume Templates 2017 You must be different from different applicants in order to set yourself apart from others. Zety's resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. Education and skills qualifies an applicant for additional processing but doesn't necessarily mean immediate success.