Wednesday, December 25, 2019

7 Pieces of Career Advice You Should Stop Listening To

7 Pieces of Career Advice You Should Stop Listening To7 Pieces of Career Advice You Should Stop Listening ToIn a very general sense, our world is constantly changing, meaning we have to adapt to remain relevant. The same premise holds true for the professional world, and in order to keep up, there is career advice you should stop listening to. Some concepts become outdated. Others were, frankly speaking, never good ideas to begin with. Lets take a look at some supposedly sage wisdom that needs to be left behind.Here are seven pieces of career advice you should stop listening to nowAccept any job offer.The idea behind this is that you can simply move on when something better comes along. The problem is that its tough to show loyalty or commitment to an organization if you have a history of job hopping. The big exception, of course, is when financial circumstances require a job- any job. Barring this, jumping for the next shiny object in your career can backfire as a strategy.Follow th e money.A big paycheck, a solid benefit package, and perks with a great coolness factor can be tough to walk away from. However, if you know you arent going to like the work or if you dont connect with the mission and culture of the company, your happiness will be short-lived at best. Im not suggesting you need to live the life of a pauper to be fulfilled, but there is certainly more to life than high earnings. You may consider trying to choose a company, then a job to get the right fit.Do a good job and the money will follow.The flip-side is believing that you can let your work speak for itself in order to be paid fairly for your work. Generally speaking, you will have to negotiate salary and benefits that fit the position and level of awesomeness you produce. Dont be afraid to approach your company if you feel an increase or adjustment is in order.Look the other way.Lets say you find yourself working on a project and realize that someone from a different department is acting uneth ically. Do you report the activity or stay quiet to avoid rocking the boat? It used to be that you minded your own business and assumed that unscrupulous people would get their due eventually. It doesnt necessarily need to be that way. If there is someone higher up the ladder that you trust to give you guidance, you should speak up. If that isnt an option, its probably best to keep the information to yourself and start considering a new job, especially if the problem appears to be widespread.Stay in a dead-end job because at least you have a job.A job that has nothing more to offer might not be worth sticking around for. Take some time to evaluate the value of your job- beyond the paycheck. Is there growth kompetenz? Do you feel connected to your work? Do you enjoy your job the majority of the time? Ask yourself if you are ready for a career change. If you are not feeling any sense of fulfillment and dont see things changing where you are at, start contemplating a new job search.Do what youre good at.This is such a great sentiment. I love the idea that whatever we enjoy doing will make a great career. One problem with this idea is that there is no guarantee that your love of knitting blankets for friends who are expecting a baby will translate into a love of knitting 40 hours a week for the next 35 years. There is nothing wrong with pursuing a passion as a career- just leave yourself some joy outside of your professional world as well and be realistic when looking to turn your hobby into a living.You can have it all.Worst advice ever. No, you really cant. I enjoy an immense amount of flexibility in my job. To the point that there really isnt a single thing more I could ask of my company when it comes to allowing me to try to balance my life and career. I still make choices. There are still days when something, or someone, doesnt get the attention I would like to be able to give. Whether it is missing an afternoon in my office to handle personal business or exp laining to my daughter that I simply cant have lunch with her at school today- those choices are made all the time in my world. I hope each of you has the opportunity to make those same tough choices.The good nachrichten is that there are plenty of career lessons worth listening to. Listen carefully and filter out the things that dont ring true.Readers, what other bad career advice have you heard? Tell us other career advice you should stop listening to in the comments section below.

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